We are the Being Considered Community, a group dedicated to exploring meaning, nurturing wellbeing, and fostering innovative collaboration in our work, teams, and communities for Asia and beyond.
We believe that books are incredible tools for understanding different perspectives. They help us open our minds to new ideas and take responsibility for shaping the future of work in ways that resonate with us.
That is why every 6 weeks, we come together to dive into a thought-provoking book. These books tell amazing stories of finding meaning in our work, teams, and communities.
While the topics may vary, our discussions and available resources always revolve around themes that matter to us.
But BCC is more than just books.
We also organize social networking sessions, insightful workshops, among other interesting and valuable gatherings.
All these gatherings provide opportunities for leaders from around the world to connect, have meaningful conversations, and share their experiences across cultures and borders.
We're so thrilled to have you join us!
Whether online or in-person whenever possible, together, we'll explore new perspectives and embrace the joy of learning and growth.